The Photo Gallery
This section is subdivided into smaller galleries that focus on individual events. Hope you guys enjoy the pics!
Clouds A large collection of photos of clouds, opened up to the public as photoshop basises. |
Wilderness Trail 2007, Summer Event 3 Every year I help out with a group called Wilderness Trail. Here are photos I took of Event 3 of WT 2007. |
Wilderness Trail 2007, Summer Event 4 Photos I and a hiker took of Event 4 of WT 2007. Most of the first 20 were taken by him, the rest by me. |
Wilderness Trail 2007, Fall Event 3 Photos my friend Paul took of Fall Event 3 of 2007. |
Wilderness Trail 2008, Spring Event 1 A measy collection from a hike I did with my brother and some of our friends. |
Wilderness Trail 2008, Fall Event 2 Disposable photos from a hike I did with my dad and brother and some of his friends. |
Virginia Creeper A large collection of photos from a biking trip Patrick and I took on the Virginia Creeper. |
Oregon Trip A sampling of photos I took while journeying in Oregon, the land of really late summer. |
Animazement 2007 And here's a photo page for Animazement 2007. This page will be added to as I find stuff. |
Soccer A sparsely commented but still interesting set of shots from a soccer tournament I was not in :) |
The Beach Trip This is the photo gallery for my Beach Trip last year, which was largely photographed by 4drn. We planned a few weeks in advace to get together at my house and then drive all the way down to the coast together, and then spend about 4 days playing in the sand. |
The Beach Trip Episode 2 This is the photo gallery for the second Beach Trip. Less planning, less women, more sweating. Awesome. |