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Changing things up today. The next chapter of Kerberos isn't coming along quite as well as I'd like, and there are some revisions I'd like to make to the current chapters as well, so instead I'm putting up a rock band tshirt mockup. Good times.
In other news, exhaustion kicking in.
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Here's the fifth chapter of Kerberos, along with some other stuff added into previous chapters (especially chapter two). I'm still not pleased with how things are flowing, so it might be worthwhile to just read the new chapter and wait until Friday to reread the previous chapters.
In other news, school starts tomorrow, (!) so Friday's update might be a bit late or a bit early. We'll see.
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Rant Time! It's been a very long time since I ranted, so here is a new one about the theoretical gameplay mechanics of Wake of Kerberos.
Man, classes are kicking my butt right now, in a backwards kinda way.
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Another Monday, another month, another chapter of Kerberos. Not much else to say, I beat X (Auron one-hit the final boss), am playing XII now. Managed to clock 13 hours since Saturday afternoon, if that gives you an idea how much I enjoy the game.
Oh, some of you might like this. I have a class with the author of Rice Boy, which is rockin' in my opinion.
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What's this, a Wednesday update? Yes, dear readers, I'm going to try to update on Wednesdays again too. Now, I'm not going to try and do full updates: no, I don't have more time on my hands or anything, this increase is a reflection of the fact that I've gotten faster at photoshop.
Instead, what I'm going to do is put up improved versions of old pictures, maybe update some rants or other writings, or put up a doodle. So, today I've color an image that has been in the queue for a year. Oops. So, enjoy!
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Time for another flash game. This time it's a text-based game that puts you into the shoes of Alex, Chase, and Mallory as they battle the Print that was mentioned at the end of the most recent chapter. Neat, huh?
Don't expect too much out of it, it's deliberately ghetto in some places. But I will try to make some additions and refinements to it as time goes on, I really enjoyed throwing it together last night and this morning.
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Today's update is a quick piece of digital art, entitled Appal(). It's not that cool, but it works for me- better than missing an update. It was a long weekend, I spent a lot of time working with Nashaii on the Kerberos Battle Engine.
Just so everyone knows ahead of time, Wednesday's update will be the cumulative update to the Battle Engine. I don't necessarily like updating something that was put up so recently, but I think that the amount of work that has gone into it is justificiation. Besides, I am adding a tone of cool features.
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Ugh. It's been a bad few days, so I don't have much to day. Enjoy the improved Battle Engine, and all that. Hopefully I'll be able to create a graphical version 2 someday soon.
In other news, my birthday is tomorrow. Whoo?
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This chapter has not been proofed yet, so apologies for that, but I'm really sick and need to get home. No, it's not from partying last night on my birthday: I ended up having to stay up late and debug my Java homework. :P
See you guys on Monday.
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Early update because I don't want to be distracted in class like I usually am. Also because it's pretty dang cool. Yep.
Final Fantasy IV has to be one of the most polished games I've ever play. The people at Squenix know their stuff, it is one heck of a game. Also, Nashaii and I rewatched V for Vendetta... I had forgotten how good the art direction in that movie was.
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